Avian Diversity & Happiness | “This One’s For the Birds”

Sometimes it’s an orchestra – crescendos the calibre of the Big Band era. Othertimes, a soft and intricate medley. From the dawn chorus to the late-night revilers, there’s a sweetness and an almost indescribable feeling of elevation. …. and just in case you need it, there a little science to support your sentiments …. A…

Radio Feature 🎙️Holistic Pets 🐾

When it comes to the health and happiness of our animals, we want to give them the best life possible. They are truly a blessing and a gift to us. It can sometimes be a challenge to know just what it is they need – how we can go about providing that for them. From…

Aromatherapy, Essential Oils and Wellness 🍶

“Many people assume that aromatherapy is about diffusing essential oils – instead of using air fresheners – to make your home smell nice, or encourage relaxation…. but that doesn’t even scratch the surface.” Rachel Raba is a Certified Aromatherapist, based in Washington, DC. She says many people are looking for natural ways to reduce anxious…

Quality of Life – Wellness and Meditation 🕊️

“Forget what you think you know and let your mind do what it will. Return to your point of focus when you notice your focus has been lost”. For the past 30 years, Kurt Weiland has experimented with various forms of meditation, from the unstructured to the popular, Transcendental Mediation (TM). With so many different…

The Healing Power of Music 🎶

“I didn’t do much, musically, for a few years after my sisters and I stopped touring. There was something telling me that I needed to get back to it. Having that creative outlet, the social aspect of it, working with other artists. It is very therapeutic indeed.” This from musician, Heather Rankin, the youngest member…

Regression and Past-Life Therapy

“It’s a light trance state, like the one we experience when we first wake up, or when we are falling asleep. Everyone’s experience is different. Depending on what life they have dropped into, it’s up to me ask questions, get them oriented and find out where they are to help them make their observations.”