S3 Ep 10: Commentary | Magnet Therapy • “An Ancient Attraction” on NT and B

“Life, Health and the Power of Attraction”   Magnets ~ Opposites and their uncontrollable inclination to find one another. A cosmic pull that exists all round us — an unseen, yet completely undeniable force. These forces that propel us, are often mirrored in the composition of our therapeutic treatments. What drives us from within has also…

Laughter Therapy | “Come as You Are”

A comedian might be considered a Magician of Laughter.  When he stands before a crowd and begins to weave his spell — he has the entire audience in the palm of his hand. Captivated and feeling good. Wizardry of this nature has not gone unnoticed and laughter is now recognized as a cognitive-behavioural therapy. It…

Oil Pulling – Ayurvedic and Clinical Approaches

Our mouths are a fairly busy part of our physiology… the CEO of tremendous daily responsibilities. In Ayurvedic medicine, the mouth is considered a reflection on the general health of our entire body. Also, it’s considered a kind of gateway to treat and maintain wellness. Home to billions of microorganisms, according to Ayurvedic medicine our…

Composition and Benefits ~ What is Kombucha? 🍷

Kombucha tea is a fizzy, refreshing and slightly alcoholic beverage made by fermenting tea with a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast – known as a SCOBY. While kombucha has seen a resurgence in popularity in recent years – as a healthy probiotic drink – the process of brewing kombucha is actually quite old –…

Healthy Homes and Holistic Approaches 🏡

“Many essential oils are antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal, and effective against grease or mold. What’s more, they will not pollute your home, the water supply, or the environment.” Rachel Raba is an aromatherapist, in Washington DC. For years she has been using essential oils to create a healthy-home lifestyle. This includes alternatives for cleaning and personal…

Aromatherapy, Essential Oils and Wellness 🍶

“Many people assume that aromatherapy is about diffusing essential oils – instead of using air fresheners – to make your home smell nice, or encourage relaxation…. but that doesn’t even scratch the surface.” Rachel Raba is a Certified Aromatherapist, based in Washington, DC. She says many people are looking for natural ways to reduce anxious…

Communication as a Post-Trauma Therapy 🗣️

“  “I started to lose confidence in myself and the people around me. I saw myself looking for danger in my surroundings. I lost my purpose in life, lost my direction, life lost its value.” Individuals living in a post-traumatic state, or suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), often face persistent, frightening thoughts and memories…

Testimonials ~ The Float Center

A wonderful and appreciated nod from the Float Centre, in Halifax NS! They have provided a wonderful forum for my recent column on Floatation Therapy❣️ Thank You! Equally, thank you for providing these much needed services. We are all healthier because of it!

Animal Acupuncture ~ Holistic Treatment for Pets 🐇

“I see the limited therapeutic options for animals when standard treatments don’t work. Acupuncture is natural, and there are no major side effects or interference with pharmaceutical prescriptions.” Veterinary acupuncturist Sharlene McInnes Wallace is based in Wellington, New Zealand. Having initially studied acupuncture for humans, McInnes Wallace was inspired to return to her first love – working…