Commentary: EleMental Health | “Earth, Air, Fire and Water”

• The Role of the Elements in our Mental Wellbeing • We are all familiar with the pervasive moodiness of weather. The effect it can have on our state of mind. The air charged with energy — static and electric. It’s intense, it’s powerful — it’s nothing if not raw. Just as suddenly, it all…

Quality of Life – Wellness and Meditation 🕊️

“Forget what you think you know and let your mind do what it will. Return to your point of focus when you notice your focus has been lost”. For the past 30 years, Kurt Weiland has experimented with various forms of meditation, from the unstructured to the popular, Transcendental Mediation (TM). With so many different…

A State of Wellness and Meditation

“The irony of meditation is that essentially all of them are fundamentally intuitive and simple. It’s more often people’s attachment to a preconceived idea of what meditation is that prevents them from realizing its benefits”

The Light Of Qigong and the Circulation of Qi :A Naturotherapies Paper

The Light of Qigong STIMULTING ENERGY Catherine Knott |  Registered Integrative Naturotherapy The Circulation of Qi: Preparation of Energy Channels A SPECTRUM OF POSSIBILITIES Our bodies are innately designed to channel the natural energy of Qi. We can acquire Qi through breath and food; but it is also inborn. It glows within us and is present, internally/externally, within all existence.  Our meridians…

The Way of QiGong

“During my time at the temple, I witnessed amazing feats of Qigong. Seemingly impossible things that you only read about in books.” Charley McBride is a Qigong Instructor and Practitioner. She discovered a true connection with the practice in 2005 and experimented with different forms and teachers before going onto spend seven years in study with a 31st generation Shaolin monk, at a Temple in Houston, Texas. Through her study at the Temple, working with DaSifu Shi de…

Six Healing Sounds and The Tao: Stimulating Vitality

The Tao is a many centuries-old Chinese concept and practice of increasing vital energy through breath, visualization and physical exercises. While an ancient practice, the philosophies and associated movements of the Tao are congruent with current needs and still highly effective. This is very logical as we are still human beings, even centuries later, requiring…