Commentary: EleMental Health | “Earth, Air, Fire and Water”

• The Role of the Elements in our Mental Wellbeing • We are all familiar with the pervasive moodiness of weather. The effect it can have on our state of mind. The air charged with energy — static and electric. It’s intense, it’s powerful — it’s nothing if not raw. Just as suddenly, it all…

A State of Wellness and Meditation

“The irony of meditation is that essentially all of them are fundamentally intuitive and simple. It’s more often people’s attachment to a preconceived idea of what meditation is that prevents them from realizing its benefits”

The Way of QiGong

“During my time at the temple, I witnessed amazing feats of Qigong. Seemingly impossible things that you only read about in books.” Charley McBride is a Qigong Instructor and Practitioner. She discovered a true connection with the practice in 2005 and experimented with different forms and teachers before going onto spend seven years in study with a 31st generation Shaolin monk, at a Temple in Houston, Texas. Through her study at the Temple, working with DaSifu Shi de…

Contemporary Healing With Tai Chi

   Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese art form known as a ‘moving meditation’. It involves a series of postures performed in a focused, slow manner accompanied by deep breathing. In the past, Tai Chi was commonly recognized as a form of self-defense, but is now respected as a graceful form of therapeutic exercise. It…