S3 Ep 10: Commentary | Magnet Therapy • “An Ancient Attraction” on NT and B

“Life, Health and the Power of Attraction”   Magnets ~ Opposites and their uncontrollable inclination to find one another. A cosmic pull that exists all round us — an unseen, yet completely undeniable force. These forces that propel us, are often mirrored in the composition of our therapeutic treatments. What drives us from within has also…

Magnet Therapy |“An Ancient Tale of Attraction”

“Life, Health and the Power of Attraction”   The unmistakable power of attraction.  Opposites and their uncontrollable inclination to find one another. A cosmic pull that exists all round us — an unseen, yet completely undeniable force. This is nature…. Just as it is the nature of human beings. These forces that propel us, are often…

Neuro-Linguistic Programming and a Therapy of Words

*Photo Origin Unknown – Contact with Details “Words have power, we know that, but sometimes we don’t realize the many ways that power can have an effect.” Wanda Amos is a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) coach and hypnotherapist. She helps clients analyze their actions and the words they use to uncover thought patterns that are no…