Magnet Therapy |“An Ancient Tale of Attraction”

“Life, Health and the Power of Attraction”  

The unmistakable power of attraction. 

Opposites and their uncontrollable inclination to find one another. A cosmic pull that exists all round us — an unseen, yet completely undeniable force.

This is nature…. Just as it is the nature of human beings. These forces that propel us, are often mirrored in the composition of our therapeutic treatments. 

What drives us from within has also been shown to heal us.

This philosophy is illustrated by the potential curative power of Magnet Therapy.  A treatment long recognized in Japan, for just this reason.  There is something about the energies of the diametrically opposed that can often create a healing balance.

The polarity of magnets has been used to treat chronic pain, speed the healing of broken bones, treat skin conditions and strengthen our organ and immune systems. 

Most often it is used to ease discomfort and inflammation.

In Japan, it has been reported that nearly half the population sleep on top of a magnetic mattress. This is done to promote energy flow and avoid the stagnation that can lead to illness.  

If this is too hard-core for you, you can always work up to this level — maybe pick up a few refrigerator magnets to get you started.

In the great cosmic scheme of things, magnetic polarity truly is one of the Earth’s greatest, organic love stories. And who among us doesn’t go for a story of romance and healing, as told by a rock?

Magnets are compiled of several metals.  For example, Ferrite — a ceramic material with large proportions of iron — is among the most powerful.

They channel force between negative north, and positive south — The Juliet and the Romeo of the respective poles. 

The negative pole has dispersing characteristics and slower cellular metabolism.  Whereas the positive pole encourages cellular metabolism.

To use magnets in a therapeutic manner, the appropriate stone or polarity is chosen — either of negative or positive charge, depending on the desired effect — and applied to the skin near the site of discomfort.  

Generally they are fastened with some sort of medical tape and are left in place until the issue resolves itself. This from the reference guide: “Natural Healing Wisdom & Know-How”.

As in life, there will always be circumstance in which we must go it alone. Magnets are no different. Each pole has its individual strengths and sometimes they function best when used as a solo act.

Depending on your condition, you might use the negatively polarized side of a magnet for conditions requiring detoxification — or for relief of acute pain. Conditions caused by heat, inflammation, hypertension, insomnia or arthritis. For example you would avoid negative polarity if you suffer from conditions of deficiency such as coldness, low metabolism or weakness.

Therapeutic benefits derived from the positive pole are those that treat a loss of energy and vitality: such as asthma, tingling and numbness. The positive pole tonifies and strengthens – delivering heat to the affected area. 

On the other hand, there are conditions that show a greater improvement when treatment combines the negative and positive. 

– If this were a movie, this is the part where the music swells and our polar protagonists are re-united. 

When both positive and negatives poles are used simultaneously, on one affected area, it creates a harmonizing effect. This technique is used to strengthen the magnetic field and treat a larger range of complex problems.

One study, measuring the effectiveness of magnet therapy for the treatment of wrist pain, showed a remarked reduction in discomfort. Another study measured the effectiveness of magnetic field therapy, on bone-healing. It showed a relationship between longer daily application time and the achievement of positive effects.

As with any new treatment, approaching your wellness provider for an open dialogue on your condition, is paramount.

Since magnet therapy is a treatment facilitating the circulation of energy, if you do feel this approach is for you, expect there to be a component of ‘listening to yourself’.  Pay attention to the sensations you are experiencing and discuss these with your practitioner.

Natural therapies tell a story of parallels, a relationship between the order of things here on Earth.

Magnet therapy is one more such treatment — an ancient tale of life, health and the universal balance of attraction.

Listen 🔊 to this Article on Nature Therapy and Beyond:

🔔 Take appropriate precautions with magnets. they shouldn’t be worn if you are pregnant, have a pacemaker, or epilepsy. Use care with children and over the eyes or brain. Get the opinion of a professional you trust when taking care of, and changing, your health regime.

Cited Resources:

  • “Natural Healing Wisdom & Know-How” Compiled by Amy Rost
  • Clinical effectiveness of magnetic field therapy:
  • “The Effectiveness of Magnet Therapy for Treatment of Wrist Pain Attributed to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome”

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